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Freedom in relation to mental Health


         The majority of mental health institutions have faced a plethora of issues as far as funding and the lack of understanding of what the various diseases entail. This led to the pattern of abuse and neglect that caused even further damage to patients and often worsened their condition. The problem lies heavily in misunderstanding and stigma as far as these diseases are concerned. 


          People were admitted to mental institutions for things that were not mental illnesses but cognitive disability or delay, therefore they did not get the treatment that was necessary to relieve their pain and suffering. When people are held by their abusers their freedom is extremely restricted. When people have treatments done to them without their consent, especially when it is not life-threatening, their freedom is compromised and this happens all too often in mental health facilities. 



*It's important to note that these institutions open time and time again with the best intentions. Intentions of bringing refuge to those trapped in illnesses no one but the well-trained can outwardly see. And that's only the symptoms. While intention should be considered, execution is the more important and more impactful element. Read more on the next tab...

By Makayla Melton, Shelby Skaggs, Karina Latsko, and Tyler Kryszyn for educational use at Butler University. 

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