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1: "Central State Hospital." IHB: Central State Hospital. 2019. Accessed April 07, 2019.


2: “First Annual Report of the Commissioners and Medical Superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane, to the General Assembly, of the State of Indiana,” (Indianapolis: John D. Defrees, State Printer, 1849), [89], 100-103, ISL, Indiana Collection.


3: “Thirty-Ninth Annual Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the Indiana Hospital for the Insane, for the Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 1887, to the Governor,” (Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, Contractor for State Printing and Binding, 1888), 22-25, ISL, Indiana Collection.


4: Philip M. Coons, M.D. and Elizabeth S. Bowman, M.D., Psychiatry in Indiana: The First 175 Years (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2010), xxix.

Perception of Mental Illness

1: Farreras, I. G. (2019). History of mental illness. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers.


2: "Central State Hospital." IHB: Central State Hospital. 2019. Accessed April 07, 2019.


3: The Three Faces of Eve. (2019, April 16). Retrieved from


4: Borinstein, A. B. (1992). Public Attitudes Toward Persons With Mental Illness. Retrieved from

Operational Period

1: "Central State Hospital." IHB: Central State Hospital. 2019. Accessed April 07, 2019.


2: “IARA: Patient Abuse.”, Indiana Archives and Record Administration, 2019,

3: Kobrowski, N. (2014). Fractured intentions : A history of central state hospital for the insane. Westfield, Indiana:


4: Cox, Riah F. (1950). I Remember Jones. Retrieved from Remember Jones.pdf


1: Meyer, Lucinda, McDonel, Elizabeth C., Deliberty, Richard. “Implementing State-Level Mental Health Policy Reforms in Indiana: Closing a State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital and Passing Major Mental Health Reform Legislation.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol. 19, no. 3-4, pp. 239-264.


2: Caleca, Linda Graham. “Central State Ordered to Close in ‘94.” Indianapolis Star [Indianapolis, IN], 1992 June 24, pp.1, 6.

3: Caleca, Linda Graham. “Hospital’s Decay Rooted in Indiana’s Neglect of Mentally Ill.” Indianapolis Star [Indianapolis, IN], 1992 May 17, pp. 10.


4: AP Archive. (2015, July 21). USA: Washington: Mental Health Issues [Video File]. Retrieved from


5: UrbanCSI. (2013, April 21). Central State Hospital, Indianapolis IN [Video File]. Retrieved from

Lasting Impact

1: Indiana Medical History Museum: About Us. (2017). Retrieved from


2: Lawson, Anthony H., et al. The Central State Hospital Discharge Study Tracking Report B March 2005. Indiana Consortium for Mental Health Services Research Institute for Social Research Indiana University,

By Makayla Melton, Shelby Skaggs, Karina Latsko, and Tyler Kryszyn for educational use at Butler University. 

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