Central State Hospital transitioned from a functioning medical practice to a living museum after its closing in 1992. Renamed the Indiana Medical History Museum, the old pathology building to Central State Hospital was declared a National Landmark in 1972 and has been open to the public for tours since 1984. (1)

Indiana Medical History Museum by Huw Williams used under Public Domain
"Medical history is important!
The past informs the present and inspires the future.
Our mission is to present the rich medical history of Indiana
by preserving the Old Pathology Building, collecting medical artifacts,
and providing exhibits, publications and programs."
The Indiana Medical History Museum understands the complicated legacy that Central State Hospital left behind. Once a building with a passion for rehabilitating and reintegrating those with mental illness into society, it was closed as a prison for its patients which stripped them of their freedom, dignity, and in severe cases, their lives. However, understanding the history of medicine is extremely important for shaping how society chooses to move forward in taking the best possible care of its patients. Included below is the mission statement of the Indiana Medical History Museum. (1)
Brenda Melton, long-time Licensed Clinical Social Worker at St. Francis Hospital in Indiana discusses the aftermath of Central State closing.